Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Fridge Clean-Out: Links for Writers -- January 23, 2015 Edition

> "Like Pushing an Elephant Into a Volkswagon" seems such an apt title for this round-table discussion at The Morning News, with writers talking about how they fit in the writing around day jobs, family obligations, more.  

> Ever wonder if you can get new life from an already-published article, essay, blog post? Here are "16 Sites That Accept Previously Published Writing".

> What writers don't like lists of new ideas or smarter ways to further their art, craft, and business? Brooke Warner gives us 52 ideas of things to try in 2015. I've decided on at least a half-dozen already.

> Many thanks to The Write Life for including this blog again, on their second annual "100 Best Websites for Writers List." Please plan to head over there soon and check out (at least some of) the other 99. I'm in such great company and have found several new sites I want to follow!

> I meant to pass this along a while ago - at Women Writers, Women's Books, Aine Greaney has some smart tips for avoiding certain types of editors and publications.

> Do you go through word nerd phases? A recent one of mine is the contronym, a word that is its own opposite, or one that has contradictory meanings (ex: clip -- fasten together, or cut apart; and here's a great one: fix -- to mend, or...castrate!). They're also called antagonyms or Janus-faced (or just Janus) words. Here's why.

> Years ago, a new, young, and industrious editor at one of the equestrian magazines I wrote for had everyone saying she'd do great things one day. Everyone was right about Laura Hillenbrand, author of Unbroken (and Seabiscuit),but could not have predicted how difficult it would be for her to write those stunning books. I've mentioned her resilience here before, but want to point you to the recent New York Times Sunday Magazine article  about her -- an important read for writers just beginning to tackle (and maybe question and ponder abandoning?) their new year's list of writing goals.

> Reminder - my interview at Storytellers Summit goes live today, and you can hear it until Jan. 31. (Scroll directly below for more info on the 22+ other participants.)

Have a great weekend!

Image: Flickr/Creative Commons (Wackystuff)

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